Welcome to FN24.NEWS designed to help you find the franchise opportunity that you are looking for. 

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Learn more about how we can help you franchise your business here 


Accountant 6

A Franchise that requires you to be a broker or become an accountant

Animal 9

Any Franchise where you work with animals

Building 11

Any franchise that is involved in building

Business 51

Those businesses that sell goods and services to other businesses, otherwise known as business-to-business franchises.

Children & Teaching 27

Any franchise that includes an aspect of teaching in all aspects or helping to develop key skills for children

Cleaning 22

A Franchise where cleaning is a main aspect.

Decorative 6

Franchises that may require an artist flair

Fitness and Health 29

All Business that help clients to become fit and healthy

Food and Drink 49

Any Franchise that works with food and/or drink

Gardening 2

Any Franchises that include an aspect of Gardening.

Health & Beauty 10

Worth more than £15bn, the UK beauty industry has a healthy complexion and is remarkably invulnerable to downturns

Healthcare 19

Any Franchise that works with care.

IT 16

Any Franchises working with or alongside IT

Music 1

The Music industry is booming, become a part of it...

Printing 5

Any Franchises that has an element of printing within them.

Property 18

Encompassing construction and estate agency, property franchises benefit from the drive to build more homes and make it easier for first-time home buyers.

Protection 9

Any Franchise that requires a franchisee to put forms of protection in place for something or someone.

Recruitment 2

Any Franchise that requires for you to recruit personal

Retail 15

A retail franchise can either be a high street shop or an online store.

Services 29

Services Desc With a really really really really really really silly long description

Vehicle 11

Any Franchise that has an aspect of delivering, driving or requires a Vehicle

Learn more about how we can help you franchise your business here 
